Compiling daily entry hours worked for all projects (Multidimensional mode)


Maestro* users can view and obtain a report on which the worked daily entry hours show, for one or many projects. This How To present the steps required to obtain the worked hours for all ongoing projects:

  • when maestro*’s multidimensional mode is installed;
  • when employees are paid by a single division of the company





Essentially, two steps are required to display data:


By default, the Project parameter take into account the projects of the current company. This company shows in the bottom-left corner of the window. Consequently, the hours worked on projects related to other company prefixes are excluded when using maestro*’s multidimensional mode.




maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Daily Entry > Compile Daily Entry Hours

Creation of a template for project selection

  1. From the Parameter Selection window, click the button located at the right of the Template field, for the Project parameter.
  2. In the Project Selection – Template Management window, click the New icon.
  3. Chose a template name and type it in the Template name field.
  4. In the Company field of the Restrictions section, select the option All companies from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click the Save icon.
  6. Click the Quit icon.


Printing a report for the prefix related to the payroll company

  1. If the payroll company is not the one displayed in the bottom-left corner of the window, quit the Parameter Selection window by clicking the icon.
  2. From maestro*’s main menu window, click the Company Selection icon to select the payroll company. Then, click Accept.
  3. Back to the Parameter Selection window, set the parameters that show on the left side of the window. Refer to the help (F1) entitled Compile Daily Entry Hours if needed.
  4. In the Project section, on the right side of the window, select the template created previously.
  5. Check All Projects (or those you are interested in).
  6. Select an option for the Print Projects parameter.
  7. In the Selection of Hours field, select By Payroll Company.
  8. Click the Accept icon.
  9. If desired, print the report displaying daily entry hours worked by the employees for all projects (or those selected), for all company division, and paid by the payroll division displayed in the bottom-left corner of the window.


Last modification: September 19, 2024